FFXI: Furnishings &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Furnishings&style; &style=spacer01; &style; The moogle in your Mog House has two types of abilities that will activate automatically after you place a furnishing in your room and exit the "Layout" menu. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Moghancements&style; &style=spacer01; &style; Moogles offer support based on the furnishings you place in your Mog House. After placing your furnishings and finishing the Layout process, you will receive a key item entitled "Moghancement: xxxx." &pre=01; The attributes of this moogle-powered assistance can be viewed from the Key Item list found within the main menu. The type of moghancement given to you by your moogle changes depending on the elemental type and strength of the furnishings you place in your Mog House. Different combinations will result in different moghancements. Try finding them all! &pre=01; As long as the layout of your room does not change, you will never lose your moghancement. However, removing or replacing items can change the elemental balance of your Mog House. If this happens, your moghancement may be replaced with a new one consisting of different abilities. &style=spacer01; &style; &style=Ty15_2; *For more information on the elemental type of furnishings, see the "Elemental Type and Storage Capacity of Furnishings" section below. &style; &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Storage&style; &style=spacer01; &style; The moogles have also learned how to utilize the extra storage space hidden within furnishings, giving you more space to store your gear. &style=spacer01; &style; Depending on the type of furnishings you place in your Mog House, you can increase your storage capacity by up to 80 slots. &pre=01; These new slots work in the same manner as your Mog Safe, and can be used to store almost anything (excluding furnishings). &style=spacer01; &style; &style=Ty15_2; *For more information on the storage capacity of furnishings, see the "Elemental Type and Storage Capacity of Furnishings" section below.&style; &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Note&style; &style=spacer01; &style; &li=  ;If you have too many items in storage, you may be unable to remove a furnishing from your layout until you have moved some of the items to your Mog Safe and/or inventory. Note that you cannot access your items in storage from a Rent-a-Room or through nomad moogles.&li; &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Elemental Type and Storage Capacity of Furnishings&style; &style=spacer01; &style; Furnishings have two attributes: elemental type and storage capacity. &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer01; &style; The graphic represents elemental type. [STG: 2] represents the number of storage slots gained when placed in a Mog House. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Elemental Type&style; &style=spacer01; &style; The elemental type of a furnishing affects the type of moghancement received after placing that piece in your room. All furnishings give off a form of elemental energy. The following icons represent the eight types of elemental energy: &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; &style=spacer03; &style; Some furnishings also have hidden energies that are not listed in the help text. &pre=01; &image=ic01;:Fire &image=ic02;:Ice &image=ic03;:Wind &image=ic04;:Earth &image=ic05;:Lightning &image=ic06;:Water &image=ic07;:Light &image=ic08;:Dark &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Storage Capacity&style; &style=spacer01; &style; This is the number of items that can be stored within a furnishing's extra storage space. For example, placing a furnishing with a rating of STG:3 in your room would increase your storage by three slots.