FFXI: Bidding and Selling
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Bidding and Selling&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3; Bidding Auctions&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Bid" from the auction menu and
pressing the Confirm button or Enter key
displays a list of categories: "Weapons,"
"Armor," "Scrolls," "Medicines,"
"Furnishings," "Materials," and "Others."
Certain categories are broken down into sub-categories.
Select the category or sub-category corresponding to the
item you wish to buy.
&pre=01; Selecting a category
and pressing the
Confirm button or
Enter key displays a
list of items in that
The number of items available for bidding is listed to the
right of each item name.
&pre=01; All items that have previously been put up for auction are
displayed in the list. An item cannot be bid on unless it is
up for auction, but players may view information from past
negotiations. Selecting an item and pressing the Confirm
button or Enter key will bring up a menu with the options
"Price History," "Bid," and "Sort."
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Price History]&style;
Displays information about recent sale prices for the
selected item.
Select the "Price History" option and press the Confirm
button or Enter key to view a window detailing information
from previous negotiations.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Bid]&style;
Places a bid on the selected item.
You cannot bid on items that have not been placed up for
You should always consider price history information before
placing a bid.
You can win the item if your bid is as little as 1 gil over
the asking price.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Sort]&style;
Arranges the listed items in a
particular order.
The "Sort" command can be used
repeatedly to narrow down the
items in the list.
&style=Tg15_3; Example: Items in a list sorted by
level and then by job will be in descending order by level, but only
equipment the player is able to use under his or her current job will
be displayed. A sorted category will remain sorted unless the player
chooses "Reset List" from the "Sort" menu and presses the Confirm
button or Enter key.&style;
&pre=01; &style=Tk15w_3;Placing Items Up for Auction&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Select "Sell" from the auction menu
and press the Confirm button or
Enter key to display a list of
items in your possession. Select
the item you wish to sell from the
list and press the Confirm button or Enter key.
You will be asked to enter a desired price for the item.
&pre=01; Transaction fees:
&style=spacer01; &style;
Single item: 2% of the item’s price + 100 gil
Stack of items: 1% of the item’s price + 400 gil
&style=spacer01; &style;
[Other areas]
Single item: 1% of the item’s price + 1 gil
Stack of items: 0.5% of the item’s price + 4 gil
&style=spacer01; &style;
Unsold items will be returned to your Mog House via the
delivery service.