FFXI: Equipment Storage NPCs
"0","Equipment Storage NPCs "
"5","Event Item Storage NPCs "
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Equipment Storage NPCs&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
In the cities of San d’Oria, Bastok, Windurst, Jeuno, and
Tavnazia, as well as the Ballista areas, there exist NPCs
who will store your artifact armor or other armor sets in
the form of key items.
&style=spacer02; &style;
-Northern San d’Oria: G-8 Taulenne
-Bastok Markets: H-9 Sinon
-Windurst Woods: H-11 Tesch Garanjy
-Lower Jeuno: J-6 Caruvinda
-Jugner Forest: H-8 Perevie
&pre=01; -Pashhow Marshlands: I-7 Meh Nbolo
-Meriphataud Mountains: G-7 MuzezeTavnazian
-Safehold: F-8 Ratonne
&style=spacer02; &style;
If, for example, you store a set of artifact armor with
Taulenne in Northern San d’Oria, you will then be able to
retrieve that set of armor from any of the NPCs listed
Several conditions must be met before these storage
services may be utilized.
&pre=01; -The armor set you wish to store must be one of the types
mentioned by the NPC (&style=Ty15_2;*1&style;).
-Only a full set of armor (head, body, hands, legs, feet)
may be stored (&style=Ty15_2;*2&style;).
-All pieces in the set must be of normal quality (&style=Ty15_2;*3&style;).
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Ty15_2; *1 Speak to the NPC to see the list of storable armor sets.
*2 Certain sets of armor are comprised of only four pieces.
*3 Sets containing high quality (white border) or upgraded
(blue border) pieces will not be accepted for storage.&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Signed items may be stored;, however, signatures will be
lost upon the item’s retrieval of the item from storage.
&pre=01; [Storing Equipment]&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
When you wish to store a set of armor, trade all five
pieces (four in some cases)--head, body, hands, legs, and
feet--to the storage NPC. Assuming the armor set you have
traded is of a type handled by the NPC, the stored items
will disappear from your inventory, and in exchange you
will immediately receive a "claim slip." No fee is charged
at this time.
&pre=01; [Retrieving Stored Equipment]&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
In order to retrieve stored equipment, speak to the NPC
and select the armor set you wish to have returned.
A storage fee based on the type of armor stored will be
charged at this time. If you choose to pay the fee, your
armor will be returned to you in exchange for the key
item claim slip. Stored equipment will not be returned
if you do not have enough gil to meet pay to the storage
fee, or if there is insufficient room in your inventory
has insufficient room to hold the returned items.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Event Item Storage NPCs&style;
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In the cities of San d’Oria, Bastok, Windurst, and Jeuno,
you will find exist NPCs who will store items that have
been obtained during special events.
&style=spacer02; &style;
-Southern San d’Oria: F-8 Poudoruchant
-Port Bastok: I-11 Gallagher
-Windurst Waters: F-8 Olaky-Yayulaky
-Port Jeuno: J-8 Garridan
&pre=01; Speak to one of these NPCs to find out which items can be
stored in this manner.
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-Special event items, be they normal or high quality, can
be traded to the NPC for storage one at a time.
Please note that only yukata specific to a character's
gender can be stored.
-Unlike storing armor sets, it is not necessary to have al
the pieces in a series of equipment to use this service.
-Only enchanted items with a number of uses equal to
[1/1] may be stored.
&pre=01; Characters will not receive a key item in exchange for
stored special event items, however, a fee of 500 gil will
be charged when an item is withdrawn from storage.
All enchanted items will be reset to the maximum recast
time upon withdrawal.
As with the armor set storage system, stored special
event items may be retrieved from any of the NPCs listed
above, regardless of the stored location.