"Rules & Policies","GM Policy","" "&pre=01;&style=Tg17b;Outline&style; &style=spacer02; &style; &style=Tk15;&image=im01;Our Game Masters (GMs) are responsible for monitoring and regulating the in-game environment to provide a fair, safe and enjoyable game play experience for our customers. Game Masters play a major role in rescuing player characters that have become stuck, they take action against 3rd party tool users, and respond to user requests for issues such as lost items etc. &style=spacer01; &style; The GM policy is a set of rules by which all GMs operate to ensure that the game proceeds smoothly for all FINAL FANTASY XI users. &style=spacer01; &style; All GM policies are now available to the public for reference. These policies will be updated when new issues arise that need to be addressed. &style=spacer01; &style; If you have any comments or opinions regarding our GM policies or procedures, we would like to hear your feedback. Player feedback is one of our most important sources of information. It allows us to continually improve our support as well as improve and revise future GM policies." "&pre=01; &style=Tr16b;&li=* ;The content contained within the GM Policy currently posted may be subject to change.&li;&style;"