Using My Friend List "eval:'sd:focus@'+$icn","sd:focus@imBTNxt" "Using My Friend List", "Active Handle Menu", "Friend Menu", "When Using Multiple Handles" &var=$cgtl[0]; &pre=1;My Friend List allows you to communicate with your registered friends, check their online status, view personal comments, send/receive messages, and more. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* You can register up to 200 friends. &style=sp02; &style; * My Friend List is shared by all registered handles, but separate personal comments can be set for each handle.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;My Friend List Screen&style; The My Friend List screen consists of the following: &style=sp04; &style; &image=im01;&li=bb1;&style=bb16;Active Handle Information&style; Information on your active handle is displayed here. Selecting this area will display the active handle menu.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb2;&style=bb16;Friends&style; Selecting a friend from the list will display the friend menu.&li; &var=$cgtl[1]; &image=im02;&pre=1;Active handle menu items are as follows: &li=sp;&style=bd16;Message List&style; Display a list of all your messages. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Edit Comments&style; Edit the personal comments to be viewed by your friends. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Online Status&style; Change your online status that is shown to your friends. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Edit Profile&style; Edit your active handle profile. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Create New Group&style; Create a new friend group.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Online Status&style; You can set your online status by selecting "Online Status" from the active handle menu. &style=sp04; &style; &image=fd01;&style=bd16;Online&style; Indicates normal online status. &style=sp04; &style; &image=fd02;&style=bd16;Away&style; Indicates that you are online but currently away from the controls. &style=sp04; &style; &image=fd03;&style=bd16;Invisible&style; Indicates that your online status is hidden from other users. Under this setting, you will be displayed as being offline on other people's Friend Lists. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* By selecting the &image=ck1; next to "Change status on all lists," you can reflect the selected online status on all Friend Lists.&style;&li; &var=$cgtl[2]; &image=im03;&pre=1;Friend menu items are as follows: &li=sp;&style=bd16;Send Message&style; Send a message to the selected friend.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Read Message&style; View a list of messages sent and received from the selected friend.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Invite into Group&style; Send the selected friend a "&image=is04;Would you like to join a friend group?" message. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* You can only select this function if you are the group master or sub-master of a friend group.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;View Profile&style; View the selected friend's profile.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Rename&style; Change the selected friend's displayed name.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Delete&style; Delete the selected friend from My Friend List. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The user being deleing from My Friend List will not be notified of said action.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Ignore &style; Add the selected friend to your Ignore List. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The user being added to the Ignore List will not be notified of said action.&style;&li; &var=$cgtl[3]; &pre=1;&style=br16;&li=sg;When Using Multiple Handles&style; Your information will appear as follows on your friends' My Friend Lists: &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Online Status&style; If the handle you used when registering a friend is not your current active handle, you will appear as offline on that friend's My Friend List regardless of your online status setting.&li;