Composing Mail "eval:'sd:focus@'+$icn","sd:focus@imBTNxt" "Types of Mail", "The Mail Composition Screen", "Commands for Composing Mail", "Attaching Files" &var=$cgtl[0]; &pre=1;You can compose the following types of mail in PlayOnline: &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;New Mail&style; Compose a new mail with the "To (Recipient)", "Subject," and "Main Text" areas starting blank. To compose a new mail, select "Compose Mail" from the mail top menu. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Automatically entered sections in new mail&style; From (Sender): Your currently active mail address&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Reply Mail&style; Send a reply to the mail you are currently viewing. To compose a replay mail, select the "&image=is01;Reply" or "&image=is02;Reply to All" command at the top of the mail you are currently viewing. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Automatically entered sections in "&image=is01;Reply" mail&style; From (Sender): Your currently active mail address To (Recipient): Original mail sender's mail address Subject: Re: (Original mail's subject) Main text: Quote from original mail &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Automatically entered sections in "&image=is02;Reply to All" mail&style; From (Sender): Your currently active mail address To (Recipient): Original mail sender's mail address and all CCs Subject: Re: (Original mail's subject) Main text: Quote from original mail &li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Forward Mail&style; Send the mail currently being viewed to another mail address. To compose a forward mail, select the "&image=is03;Forward" command at the top of the mail you are currently viewing. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Automatically entered sections in "&image=is03;Forward" mail&style; From (Sender): Your currently active mail address Subject: Fw: (Original mail's subject) Main text: Quote from original mail&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;P.S. Mail&style; If you are the sender of the mail you are currently viewing, you can compose an addendum (P.S.) mail to the same address. To compose a P.S. mail, select the "&image=is04;P.S." command at the top of the mail you are currently viewing. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Automatically entered sections in "&image=is04;P.S." mail&style; From (Sender): Your currently active mail address To (Recipient): The same address as the original mail CC: The same address as the original mail BCC: The same address as the original mail Subject: Ps: (Original mail's subject) Main text: Quote from original mail&li; &var=$cgtl[1]; &pre=1;The mail composition screen consists of the following: &style=sp04; &style; &image=im01;&li=bb1;&style=bb16;Commands&style; Selectable commands for this mail.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb2;&style=bb16;Header Information&style; Header information for this mail. &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;From:&style; Your active account's mail address will be automatically entered. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* If you are using the Character Name Address service, you can use "&image=is05;Select Sender" to choose which mail address you want to use for this mail.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;To:&style; Enter the mail address or addresses that you want to send this mail to. You can use "&image=is05;Select Address" to choose an address or a group in your address book. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;CC:&style; Enter the mail address or addresses that you want to CC this mail to. You can use "&image=is05;Select CC" to choose an address or a group in your address book. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;BCC:&style; Enter the mail address or addresses that you want to BCC this mail to. You can use "&image=is05;Select BCC" to choose an address or a group in your address book. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Subject:&style; Enter the subject heading for this mail. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* For "To," "CC," and "BCC," you can enter multiple addresses by separating them with commas or semicolons. &style=sp02; &style; * By entering a group name registered in your address book in "To," "CC," or "BCC," you can send mail to all the addresses included in that group.&style;&li;&li; &style=sp02; &style; &li=bb3;&style=bb16;Main Text&style; The main text of this mail.&li;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Icons Displayed in the Mail Composition Screen&style; Icons displayed while composing mail are as follows: &li; &style=sp04; &style; &image=ml01;Displayed when there are files attached. &var=$cgtl[2]; &pre=1;Selectable commands for composing mail are as follows: &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic01;&style=bd16;Send&style; When you select this command, a confirmation window will appear. Selecting "Yes" on this window will immediately send the mail you have composed. If you select "No," the mail will not be sent, and will instead be put in the "Outbox" mailbox.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic02;&style=bd16;Priority&style; Select the priority of this mail from "&image=is08;Urgent," "&image=is09;High," "&image=is10;Normal," "&image=is11;Low," or "&image=is12;Trivial."&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic03;&style=bd16;Attach File&style; Attach files saved in file manager to this mail.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic04;&style=bd16;Insert Signature&style; Insert signature text to this mail. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* You can automatically insert a signature that you have previously created and saved. For details, please refer to the "6. Mail Accounts" section.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic05;&style=bd16;Original Mail&style; View the mail to which you are replying. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command can only be selected when you are composing a reply, forward, or P.S. mail&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic06;&style=bd16;Switch Account&style; Switch mail accounts to change sender address. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command can only be selected if you have registered an account other than your PlayOnline mail account.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic07;&style=bd16;View Files&style; View files attached to mail. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command can only be selected if there are files attached to the mail that you are composing.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic08;&style=bd16;Trash&style; Move mail to the Trash. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command can only be selected if you are viewing or editing a mail that has previously been saved to a mailbox.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic09;&style=bd16;Character Encoding&style; Select the character encoding format. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The default setting is "English (ISO-8859-1)." Under normal circumstances, character encoding does not need to be changed.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic10;&style=bd16;Cancel&style; When you select this command, a confirmation window will appear. Selecting "Yes" on this window will allow you to save the mail currently being composed to the "Drafts" mailbox and exit the mail composition screen. If you select "No," the mail will not be saved.&li; &var=$cgtl[3]; &pre=1;To attach a file that is saved in file manager to the mail you are composing: &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd1;&style=bd16;Select "Attach File"&style; Select the "&image=is11;Attach File" command at the top of the mail composition screen to display the "Attach File" screen. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The "Attach File" screen is the same as the file manager top screen. For more information, please refer to the "1. File Manager Basics" section of the "File Manager" quick manual.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd2;&style=bd16;Select Files to Attach&style; &image=im02;Select one or more files from the list to attach to your mail. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* Up to 10 files can be attached to one mail. &style=sp02; &style; * &image=st;will be displayed next to files that are to be attached. &style=sp02; &style; * Selecting the&image=st;next to the files will cancel their attachment status.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd3;&style=bd16;Attach the files&style; Select "&image=is07;OK" to attach the files to your mail.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;View Attached Images&style; &image=im03;Select "&image=is06;View Files" on a mail with attachments to display the attachments on the file view screen. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* For information on the file view screen, please refer to the "2. Viewing Files" section of the "File Manager" quick manual.&style;