Chat Room Features "eval:'sd:focus@'+$icn","sd:focus@imBTNxt" "The Chat Room Screen", "Chat Commands", "Chat Member Menu" &var=$cgtl[0]; &pre=1;The chat room screen consists of the following: &style=sp04; &style; &image=im01;&li=bb1;&style=bb16;Chat Log&style; Displays the current conversation.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb2;&style=bb16;Commands&style; Selectable commands in the chat room screen.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb3;&style=bb16;Text Entry Area&style; Enter text here to chat.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb4;&style=bb16;Member List&style; A list of chat members (participants) in the chat room. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The room master will have a fat chocobo graphic next to his/her name, and other chat members will have regular chocobo graphics.&style;&li; &var=$cgtl[1]; &pre=1;Chat commands are as follows: &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic01;&style=bd16;Send&style; Send the text entered in the text entry area. Sent text will be displayed in the chat log.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic02;&style=bd16;Emoticon&style; Select emoticons to express your mood. Selected emoticons will be displayed with your text.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic03;&style=bd16;Text Color&style; Select a color for your messages. Sent text will be displayed in the selected color. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The selected chat color will be displayed in the lower right corner of the text entry area.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic04;&style=bd16;To Member List&style; Move the anchor to the chat member list.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic05;&style=bd16;Away/&image=ic06;Available&style; Set your chat status to "Away." If your chat status is already "Away," this will return your status to "Available." &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* If you set your status to "Away," the chocobo graphic next to your name will change.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic07;&style=bd16;Chat Log&style; Move the anchor to the chat log.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic11;&style=bd16;Report User&style; Report harassment and disruptive people to PlayOnline. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* Selecting this command will display the "Protecting Yourself from Harassment" screen. If you receive harassment from another user while chatting, please use this form to report the offender.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic08;&style=bd16;Room Settings&style; Change chat room settings. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command is only available to the room master.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic09;&style=bd16;Options&style; Change PlayOnline Viewer settings.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic10;&style=bd16;Exit&style; Exit the chat room and return to the chat top page.&li; &var=$cgtl[2]; &pre=1;Items in the chat member menu, which you can display by selecting any member from the chat room's member list, are as follows: &style=sp04; &style; &li=sp;&style=bd16;Kick&style; Forcibly remove a chat member from the chat room. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command is only available to the room master.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Designate&style; Designate a chat member to be the new room master. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* This command is only available to the room master.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Whisper&style; Send chat text exclusively to one chat member in the chat room. The sent text will only appear in the selected member's chat log. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;View Profile&style; View the profile of the selected chat member. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* You cannot view a chat member's profile if it is hidden.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Send Message&style; Send a message to the selected chat member. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* You cannot send messages to chat members who have hidden their profiles. &style=sp02; &style; * If you send a message to a chat member who has not been registered as a friend, the "To" section of the message will display "Unknown User." However, the message can still be sent.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Ignore/Unignore&style; Selecting "Ignore" will prevent all future chat text entered by the selected chat member from appearing in your chat log. If you are already ignoring the selected member, you can select "Unignore" to display the member's chat text once again.&li;