Creating a Chat Room "eval:'sd:focus@'+$icn","sd:focus@imBTNxt" "Creating a Chat Room", "Room Master" &var=$cgtl[0]; &pre=1;To create a new chat room: &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd1;&style=bd16;Set Up Your Chat Room&style; &image=im01;Select "Create Room" from the chat top menu and enter your chat room settings in the window that appears. Chat room settings are as follows: &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Room Name&style; Enter the name of the chat room. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Select Zone&style; Set the zone in which you want the room to be placed. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Occupancy&style; Set the maximum number of people allowed in the room (2-20 people). &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Set Password&style; You set a password to enter your chat room. If you set this setting to "On," please enter the password you wish to set. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Members&style; Set the generally targeted audience for your chat room. Available settings are "Beginners welcome," "Professionals only," "Everyone welcome," and "Regulars only." &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Purpose&style; Set the general purpose of the chat room. Available settings are "Coffee Break," "Chitchat," "Looking for advice," "What's cool," and "Discussion forum." &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Language&style; Set the language that will be chiefly used in the chat room. You can select from "Not set," "Japanese," "English," "German," or "French."&li; &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The above settings can be used as search parameters in the room search function.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd2;&style=bd16;Create Your Chat Room&style; When you select "Create" in the Create Room window, a confirmation window will appear. Select "Yes" in this window to officially create your chat room in the zone that you have selected.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd3;&style=bd16;Enter Chat Name&style; The chat name entry window will be displayed. Enter a name to use while in chat and select "OK." This name will only be used in this chat room. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* Your chat name does not have to match your handle name.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd4;&style=bd16;Set Profile Privacy&style; A confirmation window asking whether you would like to show or hide your profile from the other chat participants will be displayed. Select "Yes" to show your profile, or "No" to hide it. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* Selecting "No" will hide your profile from all chat participants.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bd5;&style=bd16;Select Profile (If "Yes" was selected above)&style; The handle list will be displayed if you selected "Yes" in the confirmation window above. Select a handle, then a Content ID linked to that handle (if you wish) to set the profile you wish to use inside the chat room.&li; &var=$cgtl[1]; &image=im02;&pre=1;The room master of a chat room is either the creator of the chat room or a user designated by the creator (or past room masters) to be the room master. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;*In the chat member list, the room master is indicated by a fat chocobo graphic next to his/her name.&style; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Room Master Prerogatives&style; Room masters have the authority to do the following: &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Change Chat Room Settings&style; Room masters can change the settings for their chat rooms by selecting the "&image=is01;Room Settings" chat room command. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Kick Chat Member&style; Room masters can forcibly remove any other chat member from the chat room by selecting the "Kick" command in the selected member's menu. &style=sp04; &style; &style=bd16;Designate New Room Master&style; Room masters can designate a another chat member as the new room master by selecting "Designate" from the selected member's menu. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* A new room master must be designated before the current room master leaves the chat room.&style;&li;