Viewing Files "eval:'sd:focus@'+$icn","sd:focus@imBTNxt" "The File Viewer", "The File Viewer Screen", "File Viewer Commands" &var=$cgtl[0]; &image=im01;&pre=1;The file viewer allows you to view files that are saved in file manger. &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Displaying the File Viewer Screen&style; Select a file from the file list, then select "Open File" from the menu that appears to display the file viewer screen. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* Certain PlayOnline contents (such as "Album" in the FINAL FANTASY XI Compendium) will directly access the file viewer.&style; &var=$cgtl[1]; &pre=1;The file viewer screen consists of the following: &style=sp04; &style; &image=im02;&li=bb1;&style=bb16;File&style; The file currently being viewed.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb2;&style=bb16;Commands&style; Selectable commands in the file viewer screen.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb3;&style=bb16;Folder Menu&style; Select this area to switch between folders.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb4;&style=bb16;File Information&style; Information on the file currently being viewed.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=bb5;&style=bb16;Attachment Icon&style; Shows the number of files that have been designated as mail attachments.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;Icons Displayed in File Information&style; The icons displayed in the file information are as follows: &style=sp04; &style; &li=fi01;Indicates an image file (PNG format).&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=fi02;Indicates an image file (JPEG format).&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=fi03;Indicates a text file.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=fi04;Indicates a file attached to mail.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=fi05;If there is a game or a service that is related to a file, a content icon will be displayed next to it.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* The content icon shown above is a sample.&style;&li; &var=$cgtl[2]; &pre=1;The file viewer commands are as follows: &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic01;&style=bd16;Previous File&style; Display the previous file in the folder.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic02;&style=bd16;Next File&style; Display the next file in the folder.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic03;&style=bd16;Zoom In/Zoom Out&style; Zoom in or out of an image.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic04;&style=bd16;Attach to Mail/Cancel Attachment&style; Attach the selected file to mail. Using this command for a file that is already attached to mail will cancel the attachment.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic05;&style=bd16;Compose Mail&style; Compose a mail with the displayed file attached.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic06;&style=bd16;Rename&style; Rename the displayed file.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic07;&style=bd16;Delete File&style; Delete the displayed file.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic08;&style=bd16;Quick Manuals&style; Display Quick Manuals.&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=ic09;&style=bd16;Close&style; Return to the file manager top page. &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* If the file viewer was directly opened from PlayOnline contents such as the FINAL FANTASY XI Album, selecting "Close" will return you to the previous page of said contents.&style;&li; &style=sp04; &style; &li=pb;&style=bd16;The Folder Menu&style; &image=im03;Select a folder from the folder menu to view the files contained in that folder.&style=sp04; &style; &style=sp04; &style; &style=br14;* If there is a file that you have designated as an attachment, you can select "File Attachment" from the folder menu to view that file.&li;