"staff/sf_s/sfim02s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim03s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim04s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim05s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim05_2s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim06s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim06_2s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim07s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim07_2s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim08s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim02s.png", "staff/sf_s/sfim02s.png", "4","0","0" "0","0","0" "Sep. 21, 2004", "&style=title;FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia is Released&style; &style=spacer01; &style; The FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia expanded service is released simultaneously for Windows® and PlayStation®2 in North America.", "8", "3","9","21","0","0" "Mar. 23, 2004", "&style=title;PlayOnline for PlayStation®2 Goes Live &style=spacer01; &style; &style;FINAL FANTASY XI for PlayStation®2 (including the FINAL FANTASY XI: Rise of the Zilart expanded service) is released in North America, marking the start of PlayOnline service for PlayStation®2.", "6", "3","3","23","0","0" "Oct. 28, 2003", "&style=title;PlayOnline for Windows® Goes Live &style=spacer01; &style; &style;FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows® (including the FINAL FANTASY XI: Rise of the Zilart expanded service) is released in North America, marking the start of PlayOnline service for Windows®.", "4", "2","10","28","0","5" "Jul. 1, 2003", "&style=title;PlayOnline for Windows® Beta Testing Begins &style=spacer01; &style; &style;Beta testing for the North American version of the PlayOnline Viewer, Tetra Master, and FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows® begins.", "0", "2","7","1","0","0" "Jun. 12, 2003", "&style=title;PlayOnline Beta Testing Begins &style=spacer01; &style; &style;The PlayStation®2 version of FINAL FANTASY XI is announced for North America. Beta testing of the PlayOnline Viewer, Tetra Master, and FINAL FANTASY XI for PlayStation®2 begins.", "0", "2","6","12","0","0" "", "", "", "","","","" "Sep. 16, 2004", "&style=title;PlayOnline for Windows® Goes Live &style=spacer01; &style; &style;FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows® (including the FINAL FANTASY XI: Rise of the Zilart and FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia expanded services) is released in Europe, marking the start of PlayOnline service for Windows®.", "0", "2","6","12","0","0" "", "", "", "","","","" "08/15/2003", "&style=title;test&style; &style=spacer01; &style; test", "0", "2","8","15","0","0" "", "", "", "","","","" "08/15/2003", "&style=title;test&style; &style=spacer01; &style; test", "0", "2","8","15","0","0" "", "", "", "","","",""