
The TBasicChallenge class is a specialization of the TProviderOperation class and is based on the Basic Challenge protocol used by the product to authenticate the activation key along with the path to the activation key.

The Basic Challenge protocol works on the principle of shared secrets. The protocol requires that at least four 32-bit secrets be stored in each activation key that participates in this protection scheme. These secrets, chosen by the software publisher, are encrypted within the activation key itself, with only the license provider knowing how to decrypt them. In order to perform the challenge, the product generates a random value and an index into the list of secrets, which it passes as the challenge to the license provider. The license provider combines the random value with the selected secret from the activation key. This data is fed into the MD4 message digest algorithm (one-way encrypting scheme), yielding a unique message digest. The message digest is returned as the response to the challenge. The product then computes the expected message digest and compares it with the one returned by the license provider.

      class TBasicChallenge : public TProviderOperation {
      //    Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
          //  Public globals.
          static const TStandardText      kOperationType;
          //  Constructors and destructor
                          TBasicChallenge(const unsigned long indexOfSecret,const unsigned long randomNumber);
                          TBasicChallenge(const TBasicChallenge&);
          virtual         ~TBasicChallenge();
          //  operator overloads.
          TBasicChallenge&operator=   (const TBasicChallenge&);
          //  MCollectible overrides.
          TStream&        operator>>=(TStream& toWhere) const;
          TStream&        operator<<= (TStream& fromWhere);
          //  TBasicChallenge specific operations.
          virtual void    GetOperationType(TText& type) const;
          virtual unsigned long
                          GetIndexOfSecret() const;
          virtual void    SetSecret   (const TPrimitiveTypeArray<unsigned char>& message);
          virtual Boolean CompareSecret(const TPrimitiveTypeArray<unsigned char>& message) const;
          //  Public data members allow direct access by paranoid clients
          //  which directly implement CompareSecret() within their own code.
          unsigned long   fIndexOfSecret;
          unsigned long   fRandomNumber;
          TMD4            fDigest;


Allocate on the heap or stack. It is safe to allocate at static constructor time.

Member functions

GetOperationType loads the specified buffer argument with TBasicChallenge::kOperationType, which uniquely identifies the TBasicChallenge type of provider operation.

GetIndexOfSecret returns the index into the list of secrets that was specified at object construction time. This member function is typically used by the license provider to identify the secret that should be used in executing the TBasicChallenge operation.

SetSecret is used by the license provider to set the result of the TBasicChallenge operation.

CompareSecret is used by the product to compare the results of a TBasicChallenge operation with those that were expected. CompareSecret returns a value of TRUE if the message digest components of the response match the message digest of the argument supplied.

Data members

The data members of TBasicChallenge are public, rather than private. This allows licensed product code to implement the CompareSecret functionality directly if necessary. The licensed product's developer may find such a direct implementation necessary if an attempt is likely to substitute a "promiscuous" variant of the Licensing framework at a significant number of end-user sites.

Deriving classes

TBasicChallenge is a concrete class that should generally not be derived; however, any derived class must follow the constraints set by the TProviderOperation base class.


TBasicChallenge is not designed for concurrent access.

Resource use

No special requirements.

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