ELFIN is not intended as a self-contained framework implementation. It assumes that a developer writing an ELFIN client is familiar with the Elan License Manager product. In addition, a developer wishing to make use of ELFIN needs access to an application developer kit (ADK) for the Elan License Manager. Note that the exports file Elfin.e is not provided with the CommonPoint application system, but is available from Elan.
If the developer is not already an Elan customer for the AIX platform, the Elan License Manager ADK must be licensed before ELFIN can be useful to the developer. To purchase an Elan License Manager ADK, contact:
Elan Computer Group, Inc.
888 Villa St., 3rd Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041
Fax: (415)964-8588
Email: sales@elan.com
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