Writing a class to start the dispatcher thread
You can write your own class to handle your dispatcher thread if TDispatcherThread does not meet your needs or if you decide to implement a streaming method other than Message Streams. A class that handles the dispatcher thread must:
- Adopt a stream to use for reading in the request and issuing a reply
- Adopt or create a dispatcher instance to run
- Run a loop to process requests as they come in
- Delete the stream and the dispatcher when the instance is destroyed
The process loop that handles incoming requests must do the following each time a request comes in:
- Receive the stream from the caller.
- Call the DispatchRequest member function of the dispatcher, passing in two streams (one to use as the receiver stream and one as the reply stream). Both streams can be identical, meaning that DispatchRequest re-uses the receiver stream as the reply stream once it finishes streaming out the request.
- Send the reply to the caller.
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