Property Identifiers

TPropertyID provides the identifier for a property. This class is the base class for TPrimitivePropertyID<ABasicCType> and TExtendedPropertyID<AClassType>.

TPrimitivePropertyID<ABasicCType>provides a property identifier for primitive data types (built-in C types and TDoubleLong). Legal instantiations of this class are:

TPrimitivePropertyID<signed char> TPrimitivePropertyID<unsigned char>
TPrimitivePropertyID<signed short> TPrimitivePropertyID<unsigned short>
TPrimitivePropertyID<signed long> TPrimitivePropertyID<unsigned long>
TPrimitivePropertyID<TDoubleLong> TPrimitivePropertyID<double>
TPrimitivePropertyID<float> TPrimitivePropertyID<short>
TPrimitivePropertyID<long> TPrimitivePropertyID<Boolean>

TExtendedPropertyID<AClassType> provides a property identifier for any
MCollectible type.

TPropertyIDSet provides a collection of property identifiers that you can fetch or delete from an MPropertyStore instance in a single operation.

TPropertyIDSetIterator iterates over the contents of a property identifier set.

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