Using sets with members of the
same type
You can construct empty sets and add each member using the Add function, or construct the set using an existing set. You can also assign the contents of one set to another.
This example creates a TPropertyIDSet using file system property identifiers, then retrieves the property values for each member of the set. This code uses an existing file surrogate named aFile.
TPropertySet propSet;
TExtendedProperty<TFileSystemEntityName> nameProp(TFileSystemEntity::kName);
TExtendedProperty<TTime> createTimProp(TFileSystemEntity::kCreationTime);
TExtendedProperty<TTime> modifyTimeProp(TFileSystemEntity::kModificationTime);
Sets provide functions that perform other useful actions, such as checking for membership, returning member counts, deleting individual members, and deleting all members. Using TPropertySet, you can also Get the value for an individual member.
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