Iterating through property and property identifier sets

To iterate through a TPropertySet use the TPropertySetIterator, and to iterate through a TPropertyIDSet use the TPropertyIDSetIterator.

You construct an iterator using the set appropriate to that iterator. Both TPropertySetIterator and TPropertyIDSetIterator function provide the same functions. Each defines:

    Returns the first property or property identifier in the set. Returns TPropertySetIterator::kEndOfIterator if this set is empty.
    Returns the next property or property identifier in the set. Returns TPropertySetIterator::kEndOfIterator when the end of this iterator is reached.
Unless you know the value of a property, you cannot perform operations on a property returned from a TPropertySetIterator. TPropertyIDSetIterators are different--because you have the property identifier, you know the type of value, and you can then perform operations on the identifier.

This example uses a TPropertySetIterator constructed with a TPropertySet, and iterates through the set, getting the name of each property (via the identifier) and printing it out. This code calls a user-defined function named PrintName which is not defined here.

      TPropertySetIterator iterator(aPropertySet);
      for (TProperty property = iterator.First();
          property != TPropertySetIterator::kEndOfIteration;
          property = iterator.Next() )
          TPropertyID identifier = property.GetID();
          identifier.GetName(TPropertyName propName);
          PrintName(propName, " ", "\n");

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