
Two important standards efforts underlie the numerical facilities of all CommonPoint platforms. The IEEE floating-point arithmetic standards--754 and 854--guarantee the availability and reliability of a core set of arithmetic operations. The Floating-Point C Extensions (FPCE) recommended by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C standard committee guarantee the presence of an extensive library of useful numerical functions, as well as compiler support for certain numerical features. FPCE promotes portability between different CommonPoint platforms and to other FPCE-compliant systems.


There is no guarantee that a platform supporting the CommonPoint application system will adhere perfectly to all numerical standards. For example, a hardware floating-point unit might not treat some exceptional cases of overflow or underflow in accordance to the IEEE standards. Or a floating-point unit might not compute all finite, unexceptional results accurately. At a higher level, the C++ compiler in a development environment might not support FPCE features such as hexadecimal floating constants or accurate binary-decimal conversions. Refer to the documentation for you platform's hardware and development environment for details of their features.

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