You rarely want to perform tests such as x==y
on floating-point variables, except when filtering special cases. The reason is that roundoff errors usually cause differences in mathematically equivalent expressions. Even the tiniest error can foil a test for strict equality. For example, the formula for parallel resistors used in "Arithmetic with infinities" on page 195 is often rewritten in the mathematically equivalent form
, and hypothetical four-digit decimal arithmetic, the first formula yields 845.3 and the second 845.2. (The actual value is 845.240479...)
As another example, consider computing
given the value of f at x. You might proceed by discrete steps from x to y, but using a test for equality to terminate the process could lead to an infinite loop.
float stepsize = (y - x) / n; do { // recompute stepsize if necessary x += stepsize; f_at_x = (/* estimate f(x) */)} until (x >= y);
bool ExcessiveRelativeError(double s, double t, double tolerance) { return (bool) (Abs((s - t)/t) > tolerance); }