TChunkyStream is a concrete class (derived from TRandomAccessStream) that embodies a random access stream backed by chunks of memory. The chunk size of the memory backing a stream can be specified explicitly through the stream's protocol, or a default size is used. The chunks themselves can be enumerated if necessary. TChunkyStream provides the most commonly used functionality required for virtual memory management within the CommonPoint application system without incurring the overhead of maintaining memory as a single contiguous block. If your application requires a more elaborate protocol for managing virtual memory, you should subclass TChunkyStream.
TContiguousMemoryStream is a concrete subclass of TRandomAccessStream that uses contiguous supplied by the client. Because TContiguousMemoryStream is derived from TRandomAccessStream, all random access operations (GetPosition, Seek, SeekRelative, etc.) are applicable to TContiguousMemoryStream objects.
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