Freeze level:
deep freeze
Deep Freeze is the most permanent form of persistence. Use a freeze level specified as kDeepFreeze if you plan to save permanent user data or configuration files for an application. Deep freeze is required if you want the data to remain on the hard disk in a restorable format once the computer is turned off or if you reboot your system. Deep freeze is also required if you want to send objects across a network to remote machines that share no common context with the source machine.
Deep freeze persistent streams save the most amount of information and take longer to process than freeze levels designed to work within a single session, or a single address space (team). With deep freeze, you can make no assumptions about when and where the data will be streamed back in to recreate the original objects in memory. If you are streaming to a kDeepFreeze stream, you may want to do some compression on your streamed data. In many cases, compression makes data more compact and makes streaming faster because you are writing and reading fewer blocks on the disk.
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