
    template<class AType> class TAliasTo : public TPointerTo<AType> {
       TAliasTo(AType* = NIL);
       TAliasTo(const TAliasTo& copy);
       TAliasTo& operator=(AType* copy);
       TAliasTo& operator=(const TAliasTo<AType>& copy);
       operator AType*() const {return GetAlias();}
       AType* Orphan();
    template<class AType> void
    Resurrect (TAliasTo<AType>& p, TStream& from)
       {auto AType* raw; Resurrect (raw, from); p = raw;}
    template<class AType> void
    Resurrect (TAliasTo<AType>& p, TStream& from, TMemoryHeap& heap)
       {auto AType* raw; Resurrect (raw, from, heap); p = raw;}
    template<class AType> void
    Resurrect (TAliasTo<AType>& p, TStream& from, EHeapType t, const void* o)
       {auto AType* raw; Resurrect (raw, from, t, o); p = raw;}

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