The CommonPoint application system lets you store instances of different data types on a hard disk and access them at a later time. The data on the disk remains, or persists, until you explicitly remove it. Persistent storage refers to this long term storage where object life cycles extend beyond the programs or tasks that create them. Once your program writes data to persistent storage, you can use an index to retrieve or modify the data using a protocol similar to that used for standard dictionary collections.
The Persistent storage subsystem provides all the classes you need to read and write data to a disk dictionary. You can extend the subsystem to support many different types of access methods. The CommonPoint system provides a fast retrieval mechanism that is referred to in this chapter as the default indexing method.
After reading this chapter, you will understand:
- The objectives of persistent storage
- How disk-based persistent storage classes work
- How to write code using persistent storage
- How to extend and customize the default subsystem.
- Persistent storage concepts
- Persistent storage classes
- Using persistent storage
- Extending persistent storage
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