TProperty instances encapsulate an identifier (an instance of TPropertyID) and the property value. However, TProperty does not handle the persistent store of the property--instead, it acts as a container for a specific type of property value that you want to read or write.
TPropertyID instances act as names, or labels, for property containers. Using a property identifier, you specify which property you want to store in the TProperty container.
MPropertyStore contains the read and write protocol for properties. Interfaces and frameworks that support properties--such as the File System interface--provide classes derived from MPropertyStore that you use to access property values.
If a TProperty instance corresponds to a container, and the TPropertyID corresponds to the container's label, then MPropertyStore assumes the role of a stock person in a warehouse. In the same way that a stock person manages the inventory items in a warehouse, MPropertyStore manages property values. You can ask the stock person to: