Fill and frame bundle

These constructors have default pen width and pen balance values. The colors are applied to the fill and frame, and one constructor lets you pass two transfer modes. One transfer mode s applied to the fill color and the other is applied to the frame color.

      TFillAndFrameBundle(const TColor& fillColor, 
                          TColor& frameColor, 
                          GCoordinate penWidth = 1, 
                          TPen::EPenBalance balance = TPen::kCenterFrame );
      TFillAndFrameBundle(const TColor& fillColor, 
                          const TTransferMode& fillTransferMode, 
                          TColor& frameColor, 
                          const TTransferMode& frameTransferMode, 
                          GCoordinate penWidth = 1, 
                          TPen::EPenBalance balance = TPen::kCenterFrame );

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