Creating an application

Most programs that run on the CommonPoint application system need a model to manage the program data, a view to display the program data, and optionally, an interface for the user that consists of menus and commands so that an end user can interact with the program data.

The data model, view, and user interface for a graphical editor such as a drawing program can be created using GrafEdit and the appropriate graphics classes, or by using the Desktop frameworks and the appropriate graphics classes. If your program is not a graphical editor, you probably want to use the Desktop frameworks. GrafEdit is based on the Desktop frameworks and specifically designed for creating graphical editing programs that involve drawing, selecting, and interacting with 2-D and 3-D graphics.

Whether or not you use GrafEdit is entirely up to you. Using GrafEdit means you write less code, but have less flexibility. Using the Desktop frameworks means you write more code, but have more flexibility. GrafEdit is described in another volume. Figure 10 illustrates these concepts.

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