Fill bundle

The colors and shaders are applied to the inside and outside surfaces. Some constructors let you inherit the shader, which is a reflectance shader.

      TFillBundle3D(  const TColor& outsideColor,
                      TAttribute3DState::EShadingInterpolationMode shading = kColorSmooth,
                      Boolean backfaceCulling = TRUE );
      TFillBundle3D(  const TColor& outsideColor,
                      const TShader& outsideShader,
                      TAttribute3DState::EShadingInterpolationMode shading = kColorSmooth,
                      Boolean backfaceCulling = TRUE );
      TFillBundle3D(  const TColor& outsideColor,
                      const TColor& insideColor,
                      TAttribute3DState::EShadingInterpolationMode shading = kColorSmooth,
                      Boolean backfaceCulling = TRUE );
      TFillBundle3D(  const TColor& outsideColor,
                      const TColor& insideColor,
                      const TShader& outsideShader,
                      const TShader& insideShader,
                      TAttribute3DState::EShadingInterpolationMode shading = kColorSmooth,
                      Boolean backfaceCulling = TRUE );

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