Shading resolution

The shading resolution is a GCoordinate value that determines which pixels within the 3D graphic are shaded. A value of 1 is the default and means that every pixel is shaded, a value of 2 means that every other pixel is shaded, a value of 10 means that every 10th pixel is shaded, and so on. A shading resolution of kInfinity causes only the pixels at the vertices of the 3D graphic to be shaded. Shading interpolation (described below) defines how to handle the pixels within the graphic that are between the shaded pixels.

Figure 203 shows the TGrafBundle3D functions for shading resolution. When the shading resolution is set to 0, the inside and outside colors cannot be modified by the shader. When the shading resolution is 1 or greater, the inside and outside colors are modified by inside and outside shaders to compute the actual color when the graphic is drawn.

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