Shadow generation

You can generate a shadow with a z-buffer map in a twostep process.

  1. Move the camera to the light position. Generate the graphic. Save
    the zbuffer.
  2. Render the graphic (a point is under shadow if its z, as seen from the light, is less than the z saved in the first step).
This method requires that you define and create a shadow detection instance to determine the percentage of a pixel area being covered by shadows. Figure 221
shows a shadow detection class with two derived classes. The two derived classes represent different implementations for shadow detection. TZBufferShadowMap uses shadow map algorithms in its implementation; whereas, TShadowVolume accumulates geometry instances for the intersection check.

The declaration of ComputeShadowCoverage looks like this:

    double ComputeShadowCoverage( const ShadingSample& shadeSample );
You can install a shadow detection instance by deriving a light source and implementing its functions as shown in Figure 222.

The implementation of ComputeIntensity does the following:

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