Drop down combination boxes

A drop down combination box lets the user select an item from a list of mutually exclusive items. The user can type information into the entry field or select an item from the list. Only the text entry field is displayed until the user takes an action to view the listed items.

When to use a drop down combination box

Use a drop down combination box when you can predict the possible values for the entry field, but displaying all of the items would crowd the window. You can also allow users to enter items that do not appear in the list.

Drop down combination box layout

When you implement a drop down combination box, you provide the possible items and a label for the box. The CommonPoint application system automatically lays out the box for you.

Drop down combination box interaction

When the user clicks on the down arrow button, the list of items is displayed. The user can either select an item from the list, or type directly into the text entry field. When a user selects an item from the list, it is displayed in the entry field.

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