Primary interface goals
The CommonPoint human interface has two main goals:
- To simplify the activities users do most, such as creating and editing documents
- To make possible new applications that are difficult or impossible to implement with today's technology--for example, an application that enables pervasive collaboration
To accomplish these goals, Taligent started with familiar elements--windows, menus, and icons--and added new interface objects, such as People` elements and Places` elements. Taligent believes that a diverse range of elements, combined with a new approach to designing and developing applications, will let users work more productively.
Taligent is working to achieve these goals using methods such as an iterative design process, in-house user studies, and field studies of workers in today's corporations.
The CommonPoint human interface parallels its object-oriented implementation by providing both standard and new graphical user interface elements as objects. Because its technical architecture is based on the objects with which the user interacts, Taligent is better able to provide future extensibility and integration among objects.
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