When you compare times, the results of the comparison depend on the direction that time is flowing. If time is flowing toward the compared time, the compared time is directionally greater, or in the future. If time is flowing away from the compared time, the compared time is directionally less, or in the past.
For example, if time is moving forward and the current time is 3, any time value greater than 3 is in the future--directionally greater than the clock's time. Any time less than or equal to 3 is in the past--directionally less than the clock's time.
If the clock changes direction and counts down so that the current time is 0, any time less than 0 is directionally greater than the clock time (in the future), and any time greater than or equal to 0 is directionally less than the clock time
Delays unblock if at any time the delay time is directionally less than the compared time.
(in the past).
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