Service Access classes

The Service Access classes address:

Service definitions and service references

Base classes

TServiceDefinition defines the abstract service definition protocol.

TServiceReference defines the abstract service reference protocol.

Standard services

TStandardServiceDefinition acts as a wrapper for a local or network service definition. Based on the parameters you pass into a TStandardServiceDefinition constructor, the Service Access framework creates either a TLocalServiceDefinition or a TNetworkServiceDefinition, and these objects in turn publish the service.

Named services

TLocalServiceDefinition registers a service as available and visible to clients on the same host. You do not need to instantiate this class directly; you can use TStandardServiceDefinition instead.

TLocalServiceReference provides the mechanism through which a client can connect to a local service. Instantiate this class directly to create a local service reference.

Network services

TNetworkServiceDefinition registers a service as available and visible either to clients on the same host or across a network. You do not need to instantiate this class directly; you can use TStandardServiceDefinition instead.

TNetworkServiceReference provides the mechanism through which you can connect to a network service. Instantiate this class directly to create a network service reference.

Service names and visibility

TLocalObjectName defines the service type and instance for a named service. You use this class when you create a TLocalServiceDefinition, TLocalServiceReference, TNetworkServiceReference, TNetworkServiceDefinition, or TStandardServiceDefinition object.

TQualityOfService defines whether a service is visible to local clients only or to clients across a network. TStandardServiceDefinition objects take objects of this class as a parameter.

TNetworkName is an abstract base class that defines the network name for a naming protocol family. Use objects of a class derived from TNetworkName when creating a TNetworkServiceDefinition or a TNetworkServiceReference.

TDNSNetworkName, derived from TNetworkName, defines the name of a host registered on the Domain Name Service (DNS). DNS is currently the most popular name server for the Internet Protocol (IP) suite of networking protocols.

NOTE DNS is the only external naming protocol supported for this release.

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