bool ContainsPoint(const TGPoint&) const;
because the caller (generally the view) only requires read-only access to determine whether the tile contains a particular point.
The implementation of the TTile::ContainsPoint function simply calls the TGRect::Contains function on the TTile data member representing the bounds of the tile. TTile::ContainsPoint is implemented in the file
bool TTile::ContainsPoint(const TGPoint& point) const { return fBounds.Contains(point); }
The new code in the TTilesView header, declared in the file
, is listed in bold below.
// Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. // Mixes in MMouseEventHandler and overrides MouseDown. class TTilesView : public TDocumentComponentView, public MMouseEventHandler { public: // TTilesView public constructor, destructor, and macro call are unchanged. virtual bool MouseDown(TMouseDownEvent&); protected: // Adds new initialization routines to this function. virtual void HandleAfterConnectionToViewRoot(); virtual void HandleBeforeDisconnectionFromViewRoot(); // TTilesView drawing functions and protected constructors unchanged. }
// Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. // Return value indicates whether the event was handled. bool TTilesView::MouseDown (TMouseDownEvent& mouseDownEvent) { TileIndex whichTile; // Gets the position of the mouse down. TGPoint mousePoint = mouseDownEvent.GetEventPosition(); { // Creates a smart pointer to the model. const TModelPointerTo<TTilesModel> model(GetModelReference()); // Determines which tile, if any, was clicked on. for (whichTile = model->GetNumTiles() - 1; whichTile >= 0; whichTile--) { if (model->GetTileForReading(whichTile)->ContainsPoint(mousePoint)) { break; } } // Prints index of selected tile to the console. if (whichTile >= 0) { ::qprintf("The user clicked on tile %d.\n", whichTile); } } // The model is unlocked at the end of the scope. return TRUE; }
// Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. void TTilesView::HandleAfterConnectionToViewRoot() { TDocumentComponentView::HandleAfterConnectionToViewRoot (); BuildTilesGraphicsMapToModel(); SetAllocatedArea(TGArea(TGRect(TGPoint(0,0), TGPoint(200, 100)))); // Takes a references to the local view. TViewHandle is a light-weight reference // to a view that can be passed between threads. SetCoordinateView(TViewHandle(*this)); }