Parsing keyed options to a test

You can define two special options for keys:

The multiple-value option allows you to specify that a key can take more than
one argument.

The naked option allows you to specify that a key takes no arguments.

This example shows how to run a test that uses special options. The test requires these arguments:

If you do not provide arguments, the test uses the default values defined in the constructor. The test fails if it receives bad input or an invalid option.

This is the command-line syntax for the test:

RunTest -t testclass testlib -o [-s <sampleCount>] [-l] [-o <outputfile>] [-i <inputfiles>...]

This is a sample command line:

      RunTest -t TSampleObjectParmTest SampleObjectTestLib -o -s 20 -l -o sampout -i src1 src2
This table lists the options defined for the example:

Key Value Description
-s 20 The -s argument picks up the following argument, 20, as its value. The value must be between 1 and 256.
-l The -l represents the logging option, which takes no arguments. If a value follows the -l, the value is taken to be a keyless option and is assigned the key "1". The key is a TText object, not a numeric value.
-o sampout The -o represents the output file option, which takes a single text argument.
-i src1, src2 The -i represents the input file option, which takes multiple text arguments. The -values argument is defined as a multiple-value option and takes all values until the next argument with a leading hyphen or the end of the command line. This sample is written so that if values appear after the -l option, the test fails.

This is the Setup function that parses the command line:

      // Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
      void TSampleObjectParmTest::Setup()
      //    Setup reads input arguments of the form:
      //        [-s <sampleCount>] [-l] [-o <outputfile>] [-i <inputfiles>...]
      // The sample count must be in the range 1..256. The logging option (-l) does not take 
      // any arguments. 
      // The output file option (-o) takes a single text argument.  The input file option 
      // takes multiple text arguments.  If the arguments are not given, the default values 
      // that were set 
      // in the constructor remains unchanged. If a bad input is given or an invalid option 
      // is specified, the test fails.
          const TStandardText kSampleCountKey("-s");
          const TStandardText kOutputFileKey("-o");
          const TStandardText kLoggingKey("-l");
          const TStandardText kInputFilesKey("-i");
          const long kMinSampleCount = 1;
          const long kMaxSampleCount = 256;
          // Create dictionary object and pass it this test object and keys
          // Ssecond parameter to the constructor represents arguments that do not have values.
          // Third parameter to the constructor represents arguments that have multiple values. 
          TTextArgumentDictionary args(*this, kLoggingKey, kInputFilesKey);
          // Remove key-value pairs during lookup. Test owns text returned from lookup calls.
          try {
          // Call NumberAt to look up numbers corresponding to key and check if value is within 
          // specified range
              args.NumberAt(kSampleCountKey, fSampleCount, kMinSampleCount, kMaxSampleCount);
          // If the number does not parse or is out of range, catch exception  
          catch(const TArgumentDictionaryLookupFailureException& obj) {
              OutputTextStream() << "Bad input for " << kSampleCountKey << " option.\n";
              SetSuccess(false); // Bad input
          // Test owns text returned from following lookup calls to TextAt and MultipleValuesAt.
          TText *text;
          // Look up the value for kOutputFileKey (-o).  If an argument was specified, copy the 
          // retrieved value (text) to fOutputFileName.  Because RemoveOnLookup has been set
          // above, the test owns the text returned, so the test needs to delete it to 
          // clean up the storage.
          if (text = args.TextAt(kOutputFileKey)) {
              fOutputFileName = *text;                            
              delete text;    // don't need the text; delete it.
          // Look up the value for kLoggingKey (-l).  Because this is a naked option, 
          // TextAt returns a pointer to an empty text object, if the argument was specified, or 
          // NIL, if the argument was not specified.
          // The test still needs to clean up the storage because RemoveOnLookup has been set.
          if (text = args.TextAt(kLoggingKey)) {
              fIsLogging = true;                                    
              delete text;    // don't need the text; delete it.
          // Retrieves the collection of values associated with the kInputFilesKey (-i)
          // and adds the values to the collection fKeywords.  The test owns the text values
          // that are added to the collection because RemoveOnLookup has been set.
          args.MultipleValuesAt(kInputFilesKey, fKeywords);        
          // Check for invalid arguments.
          // Any arguments left in the argument dictionary are invalid because the test has 
          // parsed and removed all the valid arguments from the dictionary.  Here, the test 
          // checks to make sure that the argument dictionary contains no more arguments and is 
          // empty. If any arguments are left, print out an error message and fail the test.
          if (args.CountOfArguments() != 0) {
              TStandardText badArguments;
              OutputTextStream() << "Unknown options specified: " << badArguments << "\n";

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