CreateTest options

RunTest options control how your test is performed. RunTest passes through options that specify what tests should be performed. The following table lists the options that RunTest passes to the CreateTest member function of your
TTest object.

CreateTest option Description
-e[cho] h|g|n|d|D Sets detail of diagnostic output: headline, general, normal, detail, Debug; specifies the echo level for printing the diagnostic output from the tests. TTest::OutputTextStream selectively echoes text to the console depending on the echo level.
-i[nteractive] By default, tests are not interactive. They do nothing that requires human interaction (no dialog boxes, no breaks into the debugger). If you give the i flag, the test is set to interactive mode, and is then able to handle user interactions.
-o[ptions] Ignores any arguments following -o and passes them to the TTest object by calling TTest::SetInputs.
-ta[rget] <class> <library> Specifies the class and shared library of the test target. Instantiates an object of the class using the empty constructor. Use this option when the test you are running requires that the caller set up the target before the Run member function is called.
-t[est] <class> <library> Specifies the TTest derived class to be instantiated and the shared library of the class. CreateTest instantiates an object of class using the default constructor. You cannot instantiate the test by name if the derived class has either an in-line default constructor or a compiler-supplied default constructor.

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