Performing a test

To start a test, type RunTest at the shell prompt. The syntax for the RunTest command when performing a test of your class is:

    RunTest -t <testclassname> <testclasslib>
When you start RunTest, you must give at least one of three options: test, log, or start. To perform a test:

  1. Make sure that your tests are compiled and linked to a shared library.
  2. Launch the RunTest application that runs a test, giving the name of the test class and the name of the shared library containing that class.
For example, you can launch RunTest from the console in order to execute a test of TSampleObjectSimpleTest in a shared library named SampleObjectTestLib with the following command line:

    RunTest -t TSampleObjectSimpleTest SampleObjectTestLib
In most cases, you can create a test script that contains the RunTest command along with the necessary options. See
"Writing a test script" on page 86 for more information.

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