Displaying information about a test

To see a description of a test and information about arguments used by the test, use the -info option when you start RunTest. When you specify -info, RunTest prints the meta-information from the CopyInfo member function for the test instead of running the test.

If you do not specify a keyword, RunTest displays all key-value pairs to standard output. The following command displays all information for the TSampleObjectBaseTest:

    RunTest -info -t TSampleObjectBaseTest SampleObjectTestLib
This is the output for the previous command:

      info: {
          Description = "Performs default protocol tests"
          Target Shared Library = "TestSamplesLib"
          Target Class = "TSampleObject and its derived classes."
          Input Syntax = "TSampleObjectBaseTest SampleObjectTestLib."
          Sample Info = "This is the way to add your test information"
Keywords allow you to retrieve specific information about the test. When you provide a keyword, RunTest displays only the key-value pairs for the specified keyword. If the keyword is not found, RunTest displays <Keyword not found> for the value of the key. For information on how to add your own keywords and associated information, see "Creating CopyInfo keywords" on page 36.

Here is a list of predefined keywords.

Keyword Description
Description Description of the purpose of this class. Example: "TWellBehavedObjectTestOf tests the copying, streaming, and flattening of MCollectible objects."
Input Syntax Description of the command-line input syntax for this subclass. Example: "TSimpleTest [-i] [-t <targetClass>] # -i to ignore errors"
Target Class Name of target class
Target Shared Library Name of shared library of target
Test Name Name of test
Test Version Version number of test
Test Type Type of test
Bug ID Bug report number, if applicable
SubSystem Name of subsystem to which this test applies
Test Area Test area
Test Number Number of the test
Owner Owner of the test
Owner Phone Phone number of owner
Scripts Name of test script, if applicable
Data Files Data files of test
Auto Run Yes/No field indicating where test can be run without human intervention
Publishable Yes/No field indicating that test is to be entered into the Test Publishing Database
Report Description Description of report or report data provided by test
Functional Claims Claims that are being verified by test cases
Test Cases Description of test cases
Component Name of component to which this test applies

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