Heap analysis file format

Heap analysis output files have two sections: the anomaly section and the heap dump. In the anomaly section, any anomalies detected are described. See "Dynamic error detection" on page 102 for explanations of the anomalies that can be detected.

In the heap dump section, each line describes a block in the heap. By default, it displays all blocks of the heap. You can also specify to ignore old blocks or to show only undeleted blocks. Use the latter for finding storage leaks. See "TLocalHeapAnalyzer" on page 98 for more information.


Address Address of the first byte of the block.
Size Size of the block in bytes.
Type Type of the block. If the v-table pointer is Nil, this field is novtbl. If the
v-table pointer is non-Nil, but it cannot be followed to a valid destructor, this field is notype. Note that only deletion events and preexisting block events can have type information. Allocation events are always novtbl because the constructor, if any, has not yet been called.
Age Block in microseconds. If the block has been deleted, this is the age of the block when it was deleted.
Allocation thread Thread that allocated this block.
Allocation time Time, in microseconds, of the allocation. Use this value to determine the order in which blocks were allocated.
Allocation stack crawl Function that allocated this block.
Deletion thread Thread that deleted this block, or notask if the block has not been deleted.
Deletion stack crawl Function that deleted this block, or nochain if the block has not been deleted.

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