scroll bar

(noun) Note two words.

scrolling list

Use instead of scrolling view.

scrolling pop-up menu

Use instead of scrolling view.

scrolling view

Do not use this term. Instead use scrolling list, scrolling pop-up menu, or scrolling window.

scrolling window

Use instead of scrolling view.

secant (sec)

Spell out on first occurrence.

second (s)

Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement.


Use the semicolon when you want to indicate a tight, balanced relationship between two thoughts. Use the semicolon sparingly in technical documentation. Instead, keep sentences short and to the point.

Joining independent clauses

The semicolon is commonly used to join independent clauses when the:

Separating items in a series

A common use of the semicolon is to separate items in a series when those items are either themselves lengthy or contain internal punctuation, usually commas.

    They have offices in Portland, Oregon; Springfield, Illinois; Boulder, Colorado; and Kansas City, Missouri.

Using semicolons with other marks of punctuation

When using semicolons with quotation marks or parentheses, place the semicolon outside the other marks of punctuation.

    The names of base classes begin with a T (such as TView); the names of mixin classes begin with an M (such as MCollectible).


Use separate or divide instead of decompose.


When used as a generic noun, do not use an initial capital. For the name of specific services, such as the taxonomy category, OS Services, use an initial capital letter. See The New Taxonomy for more information.

set up



(modifier, noun)

sexist language

See "pronoun" on page 61 and "gender" on page 27.

shut down





Use when expressing an idea of time, otherwise use because.

    Since the recent meetings, the engineers have completed their projects.
    Many features have been added since the last release.

sine (sin)

Spell out on first occurrence.



single threaded

(modifier) Do not hyphenate after a noun.


(modifier) Hyphenate before a noun.

single threading

(verb) Do not use single-threading.


Avoid using a slash ( / ) in text.


Use instead of line slider.


Note lowercase i and +. See Legal Guidelines for current trademark information and a list of trademarks.

source code




square (sq)

Spell out on first occurrence.

square foot (sq ft)

Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement.

square inch (sq in)

Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement.

square meter

Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement.

square mile (sq mi)

Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement.

square yard (sq yd)

Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement.



standard (std)

Spell out on first occurrence.


Use this term instead of boot.

start up



(modifier, noun)


Steps are different from bulleted or numbered lists because they describe actual instructions for the reader to follow. Introduce steps with background information or required context.

The guidelines for introducing steps are the same as those for bulleted and numbered lists. See "list" on page 41.

When using steps:


Apply computer voice when used as a C++ keyword.


General term for C++ keyword struct.

style run



Do not use this term. Instead, use derived class.




(modifier, noun)


(modifier, noun)




Use as a generic noun. Do not use initial capital.

synchronous (sync)

Do not use synch as the abbreviation. Spell out on first occurrence.


Use as a generic noun. Use initial capital when referring to the specific runtime system, as in the Taligent Runtime System. See The New Taxonomy for information about individual system, subsystem, framework, and category names.

Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

Spell out on first occurrence.

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