
Use want or require instead of desire.


Do not use the editorial we in technical documentation. Instead, use the second person (you) or third person (the user).


Use which to introduce a nonrestrictive, or nonessential, clause. This type of clause adds extra information but is not essential to the central meaning of the sentence. It could be deleted without changing the central meaning.

    They make computers, which are easy to use. (All computers are easy to use).
    Computers, which are easy to use, are popular. (All computers are easy to use).
"that" on page 74.




Do not use this term. Use want or require.



words to avoid

Do not use these terms in Taligent documentation:

Terms Preferred usage
abort end or terminate
allow Implies permission or overcoming resistance. Use help, provide, enable, accommodate, or make possible.
and/or and or or, or rewrite
alright all right
appendices appendixes
bad (to describe technical limitations) Give specific information.
baud rate bps
behave, behavior Use more specific performance terms.
boot start
boolean control group Boolean menu item or radio control group
boolean item Boolean menu item
cancelability ability to cancel
catastrophic error irrevocable error
client/server client-server
datum data
decompose divide or separate
depress press
descend derive
desire want or require
e.g. for example
email Do not use as a verb.
end user user
enquire inquire or ask
enquiry inquiry
et al. and others
etc. such as, and so on, for example, or including
floppy diskette
garbage meaningless or unusable
grey gray
i.e. that is
indices indexes
inherit derive
kill end or stop
label area border area
label view border area
line slider slider
may might or can
matrixes matrices
method member function
momentary item momentary control
multi-thread safe multithread safe
output Do not use as a verb.
reboot restart
scrolling view scrolling list, scrolling pop-up menu, or scrolling window
single-threading single threading
slash ( / ) Do not use in text.
subclass derived class
text control text edit field
thread safe multithread safe
toggle button radio button
unselect deselect
user interface human interface
viz namely
we second person (you) or third person (the user)
wish want or require




(modifier, noun)


(modifier, noun)


(modifier, noun)


(modifier) Use instead of writeable.

writing style

This guide details the elements of the Taligent technical documentation style. For an overview of this style and the philosophy behind it, see the Taligent Publications Handbook.


Note capitalization. This applies to the Intel i86 family of processors.


Note lowercase letters and hyphenation. Avoid at the beginning of a sentence.


Note lowercase letters and hyphenation. Avoid at the beginning of a sentence.

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