Avoid using Latin terms or abbreviations. Use for example or rephrase
your sentence. ellipsis
The ellipsis (in FrameMaker, press Option-semicolon) consists of three periods and indicates omission. Use the ellipsis to indicate that other text follows. If your sentence concludes with an ellipsis, add the period (resulting in four periods in a row).
If you give the wrong argument, you will see the message "Invalid argument...."
However, it is best to rewrite your sentence to avoid this construction.
(modifier, noun) Do not use as a verb. em dash
The em dash (in FrameMaker, press Shift-Option-hyphen) is approximately as wide as the capital letter M. An em dash provides a longer pause than a comma, placing emphasis on what follows. Do not leave spaces either before or after an em dash.
Using em dashes with appositives
Use em dashes in place of commas around an appositive series, especially when the commas used within a series do not make the appositive stand out from the rest of the sentence.
Frameworks, classes, and subsystems--these were the elements developers used most.
Using em dashes with parenthetical material
Use an em dash to set off parenthetical material--rather than parentheses or a colon--for emphasis. Using a dash in this instance is a less formal way of setting off material.
This problem can be solved by frameworks--sets of object-oriented classes that are designed to work together.
If the parenthetical material is closely related to the rest of the sentence, use commas. If it is not, use dashes (or parentheses).
If you need to use another object, let the client give it to you--don't find it yourself.
en dash
The en dash (in FrameMaker, press Option-hyphen) is approximately the same width as a capital N: half as long as an em dash, but longer than a hyphen.
When using a number in code, always use a hyphen, not an en dash. This allows users to cut and paste sample code directly into their own code.
Using en dashes with numbers and dates
Use an en dash rather than a hyphen when displaying numbers and dates. Use an en dash to show:
10-15 MHz
pages 1-5
100 - 99 = 1
Using en dashes with complex compound adjectives
Use an en dash rather than a hyphen between the elements of a compound adjective when one of these elements is itself two words or a hyphenated word. Do not leave any space before or after the en dash.
operating system-independent software
post-Cold War period
Using en dashes with lists
Use an en dash to separate a summary word or phrase from the brief explanation that follows it in a list. Use an initial capital for the first word of the explanation following the en dash. Insert a space both before and after the dash when using it this way.
The following important aspects of a class interface cannot be adequately expressed in C++:
Class semantics - Not all of the semantic constraints on an object can be expressed through the C++ type system.
Concurrency - The behavior of an object in the presence of multiple threads of execution cannot be expressed in C++.
Storage management - If an object has specific storage management semantics, they cannot be expressed through the class definition.
end-of-file (EOF)
Spell out on first occurrence. endpoint
(noun) end
Do not use abort. Instead, use end or terminate. end user
(noun) Avoid if user serves the same purpose. OK to use if you need to distinguish between the users of Taligent technology, such as an application engineer, and the final user of the resulting product. end-user
(modifier) enhanced graphics adapter (EGA)
Spell out on first occurrence. enquire
Do not use this term. Instead, use inquire or ask. enquiry
Do not use this term. Instead, use inquiry. ensure
To make sure or guarantee. Do not confuse with "assure" on page 5 and "insure" on page 34. entry level
(noun) entry-level
(modifier) enum
Apply computer voice when used as a C++ keyword. enumeration
General term for C++ keyword enum
. et al.
Avoid using Latin terms or abbreviations. Use and others or rephrase
your sentence. etc.
Do not use the abbreviation or the term et cetera. Use and so on, such as, for example, or including. Ethernet
Note capitalization.
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