Execution control

Issue commands by left-clicking on an item in the Commands window to bring up the Commands menu. Some commands also have key equivalents (shown in parentheses).

Commands Run (Alt-R) Executes the program until a breakpoint is encountered or a signal is received.
Line step
Executes the program until a breakpoint is encountered, a signal is received, or control passes to a new line of source code. Executes functions called by the current line without stopping.
Machine step (Alt-M) Executes the program one machine step.
Call step
Executes the program until a breakpoint is encountered, a signal is received, control passes to a new line of source code, or a function call is made.
Return step
Executes the program until a breakpoint is encountered, a signal is received, or control returns to the caller of the current function.
Signal (Alt-S) Resumes execution at the current instruction, passing whatever signal caused the interruption back to the program. Any signal sent to the program interrupts execution and returns control to the debugger. Signals can arise from: A signal key (Ctrl-c, for example) clicked in the controlling terminal's window. You probably want the program to ignore the signal and so would resume execution with the Run command. A signal received in an alarm() or wait() system call. You probably want the program to process the signal and so would resume execution with the Signal command. A signal generated by a runtime exception. Execution cannot continue, but the debugger can still inspect the environment that caused the exception. Execute the program again with the Restart command.
Edit (Alt-E) Invokes an editor on the file in the Listing window. Specifies the editor with xcdb.Edit in your .Xdefaults. Use %s and %d symbols for filename and line number, respectively. For example, to invoke vi: xcdb.Edit: (xterm =+0-0 -n Vi -e vi +%d %s &) To invoke emacs: xcdb.Edit: (emacs '+%d' '%s' &) To invoke v: xcdb.Edit: (v -l %d %s &)
Terminates the program, reloads it, and sets its execution point back to the beginning; all breakpoints and data format selections remain unchanged. If stdin is a file, it is rewound to start-of-file.
If the debugger was attached to a process using -a, then the process is allowed to resume execution (if you want to end the process, you must use kill-9 from an xterm window--there's no explicit command to do this from Xcdb); otherwise, the process terminates and the debugger returns to the operating system.
Preferences (Alt-P) A menu prompts adjustments for Xcdb's behavior. See"Preferences" on page 133.

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