Class, struct, and union formatting

Choosing More detail multiple times on a structure reveals increasing levels of detail. At the minimum level of detail, only the structure name displays. At the maximum level of detail, all the member names and values display. Similarly, choosing Less detail successive times causes the object's format to fold up. Consider the following declaration:

      struct node
          struct node *next;
          struct data
              int   type; 
              float value;
              } data; 
          } Node = { 0, { 1, 123 } };
This sequence shows how you might inspect the object:

    Node: node
    Node: { NULL data }
    Node:   next: NULL
              data:  data
    Node:   next: NULL
              data:  { 1 123.000000 }
      Node:   next: NULL
              data: type: 1
                  value: 123.000000
    Node:   next: NULL
              data: type: 1
                  value: 123.000000
    Node:   next: NULL
              data: { 1 123.000000 }
    Node:   next: NULL
              data: data
    Node: { NULL data }
      Node: node
You can also examine just a particular field of interest by clicking on that field:

    Node: { NULL data  }
    Node: { NULL { 1 123.000000 } }
    Node: { NULL { 1 float } }
      Node: { NULL { 1 0x42f60000 } }

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