. For information about available fonts and colors, see /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/Xfonts
and /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt
, respectively.
The following tables summarize the .Xdefaults
entries. Values to the right of the colon indicate acceptable entries, where:
geometry | is a geometry specification such as "100x300+10-5" |
font | is the name of a font, such as "Rom10.500" |
color | is the name of a color, such as "Slate Blue" or "\#7AD" |
General | Geometry: geometry | Main window size and placement |
Font: font | Font to use for text | |
AutoRaise: on |off | Behavior of window when mouse enters | |
SaveUnder: on |off | Handling of pixels obscured by pop-up menus. On some X servers, pop-up menus run faster with SaveUnder set on; others run faster with SaveUnder set off. Try both settings to see which works best for you. | |
Layout | The layout entries customize each window in the debugger. You must specify settings for all or none of the windows; you cannot specify some of the windows. | |
SpecialLayout: yes | no | Do window specifications follow? | |
xxxxGeometry: geometry | Size and placement for normal window | |
xxxxIconGeometry: geometry | Size and placement for iconized window | |
xxxxIconifyOk: yes | no | Permit iconization of this window? | |
xxxxIconStartup: yes | no | Iconize window at startup? | |
xxxxScrollbars: vertical | horizontal | both | none | Scrollbar style | |
where xxxx is one of Callers, Functions, Files, Breakpoints, Commands, Listing, Locals, NonLocals, Formats, or Messages. | ||
Color | BorderIdle: color | Window borders, mouse outside |
BorderActive: color | Window borders, mouse inside | |
Foreground: color | Normal text | |
Background: color | Normal text | |
MouseBody: color | Mouse body | |
MouseOutline: color | Mouse outline | |
CursorForeground: color | Cursor | |
CursorBackground: color | Cursor | |
MarkForeground: color | Marked text | |
MarkBackground: color | Marked text | |
TitleForeground: color | Window pane titles | |
TitleBackground: color | Window pane titles | |
DialogForeground: color | Command lines | |
DialogBackground: color | Command lines | |
DimForeground: color | Nonselectable menu items | |
DimBackground: color | Nonselectable menu items | |
ScrollbuttonIdle color | Scroll buttons, mouse outside | |
ScrollbuttonActive color | Scroll buttons, mouse inside | |
Other | Editor: command | The specified command is invoked when the Edit command is selected from the Commands window (page 133). |
Language: language |
The debugger's behavior is adjusted for the specified language, as described in the Preferences menu section (page 133). language must be one of:
RespectIncludeFiles: yes | no | Controls interpretation of file symbols appearing in the symbol table, as described in the Preferences menu section (page 133). | |
ArrayLimits: NNNN | Controls data formatting, as described for the "-e" command-line flag (see earlier). | |
DetailPerClick: NNNN | Controls data formatting, as described for the "-d" command -ine flag (see earlier). | |
UnsignedCharFormat: decimal | hex |
Selects default data formatting style for unsigned char numbers.
UnsignedShortFormat: decimal | hex |
Selects default data formatting style for unsigned short numbers.
xcdb*Language: C++
xcdb*Foreground: White
xcdb*Background: MidnightBlue
xcdb*Highlight: yellow
xcdb.BorderActive: NavyBlue
xcdb*BorderIdle: NavyBlue
xcdb.Font: *lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-12*
xcdb.AutoRaise: off
xcdb.FunctionList: With -g Only
xcdb.SpecialLayout: yes
xcdb.Geometry: 1264x944+8+72
xcdb.RespectIncludeFiles: yes
xcdb.ArrayLimits: 2000
xcdb.DetailPerClick: 2
xcdb.UnsignedCharFormat: hex
xcdb.FloatFormat: scientific
xcdb.SaveUnder: off
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