Customizing Xcdb

You can change Xcdb's window shape, position, font, colors, and window layouts with \$HOME/.Xdefaults. For information about available fonts and colors, see
/usr/lpp/X11/defaults/Xfonts and /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt, respectively.

The following tables summarize the .Xdefaults entries. Values to the right of the colon indicate acceptable entries, where:

geometry is a geometry specification such as "100x300+10-5"
font is the name of a font, such as "Rom10.500"
color is the name of a color, such as "Slate Blue" or "\#7AD"

General Geometry: geometry Main window size and placement
Font: font Font to use for text
AutoRaise: on |off Behavior of window when mouse enters
SaveUnder: on |off Handling of pixels obscured by pop-up menus. On some X servers, pop-up menus run faster with SaveUnder set on; others run faster with SaveUnder set off. Try both settings to see which works best for you.
Layout The layout entries customize each window in the debugger. You must specify settings for all or none of the windows; you cannot specify some of the windows.
SpecialLayout: yes | no Do window specifications follow?
xxxxGeometry: geometry Size and placement for normal window
xxxxIconGeometry: geometry Size and placement for iconized window
xxxxIconifyOk: yes | no Permit iconization of this window?
xxxxIconStartup: yes | no Iconize window at startup?
xxxxScrollbars: vertical | horizontal | both | none Scrollbar style
where xxxx is one of Callers, Functions, Files, Breakpoints, Commands, Listing, Locals, NonLocals, Formats, or Messages.
Color BorderIdle: color Window borders, mouse outside
BorderActive: color Window borders, mouse inside
Foreground: color Normal text
Background: color Normal text
MouseBody: color Mouse body
MouseOutline: color Mouse outline
CursorForeground: color Cursor
CursorBackground: color Cursor
MarkForeground: color Marked text
MarkBackground: color Marked text
TitleForeground: color Window pane titles
TitleBackground: color Window pane titles
DialogForeground: color Command lines
DialogBackground: color Command lines
DimForeground: color Nonselectable menu items
DimBackground: color Nonselectable menu items
ScrollbuttonIdle color Scroll buttons, mouse outside
ScrollbuttonActive color Scroll buttons, mouse inside
Other Editor: command The specified command is invoked when the Edit command is selected from the Commands window (page 133).
Language: language The debugger's behavior is adjusted for the specified language, as described in the Preferences menu section (page 133). language must be one of:
  • C
  • C++
RespectIncludeFiles: yes | no Controls interpretation of file symbols appearing in the symbol table, as described in the Preferences menu section (page 133).
ArrayLimits: NNNN Controls data formatting, as described for the "-e" command-line flag (see earlier).
DetailPerClick: NNNN Controls data formatting, as described for the "-d" command -ine flag (see earlier).
decimal | hex
Selects default data formatting style for unsigned char numbers.
decimal | hex
Selects default data formatting style for unsigned short numbers.


      xcdb*Language:              C++
      xcdb*Foreground:            White
      xcdb*Background:            MidnightBlue
      xcdb*Highlight:             yellow
      xcdb.BorderActive:          NavyBlue
      xcdb*BorderIdle:            NavyBlue
      xcdb.Font:                  *lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-12*
      xcdb.AutoRaise:             off
      xcdb.FunctionList:          With -g Only
      xcdb.SpecialLayout:         yes
      xcdb.Geometry:              1264x944+8+72
      xcdb.RespectIncludeFiles:   yes
      xcdb.ArrayLimits:           2000
      xcdb.DetailPerClick:        2
      xcdb.UnsignedCharFormat:    hex
      xcdb.FloatFormat:           scientific
      xcdb.SaveUnder:             off

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