begins to load the libraries and then the servers start up. This process is a crawl compared to normal speed, and then one or more of the servers receives a SIGILL
and it is downhill from there. You might see a listing like this when you start the system:
... # Loading libraries... # Starting merged servers in 3 clumps ... # Starting service thread: NameServer. # Starting service thread: TokenServer. ... Dumping core after receiving signal SIGILL OPIX -- Thread cleanup done for abended pink process 23406 ...Starting service thread: CursorServer. # Starting service thread: WindowServer. Dumping core after receiving signal SIGILL ERROR: ::pthread_mutex_destroy ( (pthread_mutex_t*) fSemaphore ) was EBUSY in fi le Synchronization.C, line 2353 PThreadCheck Stack Crawl Stack crawl: StackCrawlDumpCurrentStack PThreadCheck(int,const char*,const char*,int) TMonitorLock::~TMonitorLock() __sterm_x_2fshemp4_2fTaligent_2fPortable_2fAES_2fAlbert_2fMain_2fScreens _2fDisplay_2fDisplayLib_5fAllCSources_2eC() __C_runtime_termination() exit cma__core cma__sig_deliver cma___sig_sync_term OPIX -- Thread cleanup done for abended pink process 23415 NameServer: removing registered task (5,23415) named "ColorTableServer" ...Thread (2, 22906) "HackInputDeviceHandler" didn't catch an exception, terminate called. Processs 22906 about to die. You may run this under a debugger. It should break in raise(), allowing you to see the calling sequence to the routine that threw the exception. Dumping core after receiving signal SIGIOT OPIX -- Thread cleanup done for abended pink process 22906
environment variable), make sure that the specified display exists and can be opened.$TaligentRoot
To ensure proper permissions when installing the system, set your default umask
to 022. To ensure proper permissions after the system has been installed, go to $TaligentRoot
and execute chmod -R o+r *