
AIX is based on UNIX. As such, in most cases UNIX commands behave identically in AIX.

Category Command Meaning
help man topic Displays the manual page for topic.
info Brings up InfoExplorer.
navigation pwd Displays the path of the current directory.
cd Navigates to home directory.
cd .. Navigates to parent directory.
cd path Changes the current directory to path.
directories ls Lists normal files and directories in the current directory.
ls -l Same as previous, but displays extended information.
ls -ltr Same as previous, but reverses sort by modification time.
directories ls -aF Lists everything in the current directory, with file types.
ls -alFR Lists recursively everything in the current directory.
mkdir dirname Makes a directory called dirname.
rm -rf dirname Removes recursively the directory called dirname.
cp -r srcdir dstdir Copies recursively srcdir to dstdir.
files mv src dest Moves src file to dest file (can also be used to rename a file).
cp src dest Copies src file to dest file.
rm filename Removes filename.
more filename Displays filename, with scrolling control.
redirection cmd > path Places the output of cmd into the file path.
cmd >> path Appends the output of cmd to the file path.
cmd1 | cmd2 Uses the output of cmd as the input for cmd2.
processes ps -aux Displays information about all your processes.
ps -Af Displays information about all processes.
cmd & Runs cmd as a background process.
Ctrl-C Kills the current foreground process.
Ctrl-Z Suspends the current foreground process.
bg Runs the most recently suspended process in the background.
fg Brings the process most recently put in the background to the foreground.
kill pid Terminates the process with id pid (Use kill -9 pid to force).

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