A faster build

A slightly faster and more efficient way to use Makeit is to include the target name. For example, change SimpleSample to use a Taligent object, and then rebuild it.

  1. Change hello.C to look like this:
      #include <Geometry.h>
      void main()
          TGRect unUsedRect(0, 1, 2, 4);
          unUsedRect.PrintObject();       // Print coordinates
  2. Rebuild the application:
      Makeit SimpleSample 
The build log looks similar to this:

      # Making "SimpleSample" for "/home/EeeDee/SimpleSample"...
      # make -f SimpleSample.Make SimpleSample
      # Compile hello.C to produce hello.o
      MakeSharedApp -L. -L/usr/lib/dce -o SimpleSample  hello.o /home/EeeDee/work/Expo
      rts/RuntimeLib.e /home/EeeDee/work/Exports/OpixLib.e /home/EeeDee/work/Exports/T
      oolboxLib.e /home/EeeDee/work/Exports/TimeLib.e /home/EeeDee/work/Exports/TestFr
      ameworkLib.e /home/EeeDee/work/Exports/HighLevelAlbert.e  /home/EeeDee/work/Expo
      rts/LowLevelAlbert.e /home/EeeDee/work/Exports/AlbertPixelBuffers.e
Running the new SimpleSample should print results similar to these:

      OPIX compile timestamp = Jan 22 1994, 08:25:22
      TGRect (top = 1.000000, left = 0.000000, bottom = 4.000000, right = 2.000000)

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