
CommonPoint starts and stops the CommonPoint application system.


    CommonPoint [ [ -start ] [-a applicationName] [-q] [-n] [-s] | 
    -stop |
    -config [ key [ value ]] ]
Omitting all arguments is the same as specifying -start.

Arguments -a applicationName Loads and runs the named application. This argument must follow
-start if -start is included.
-config key value Lists, sets, or unsets CommonPoint application system configuration setting. Omitting key and value lists all settings. Specifying key and value sets a value. Specifying key, but omitting value, unsets the setting.
-n Uses nonmerged servers. If you omit this option, CommonPoint uses merged servers. This argument must follow -start if -start is included. Merged servers give you a smaller memory footprint, a faster startup, and better interactive performance, but offer less stability.
-q Does not load shared libraries. This argument must follow -start if
-start is included.
-s Starts merged servers as one. If you omit this option, the merged servers start in three groups. -s has no effect if you omit -n. This argument must follow -start if -start is included.
-start Loads the CommonPoint application system. Note: If you include
-start with other startup arguments, -start must appear first.
-stop Stops the CommonPoint application system.


By default, CommonPoint starts the CommonPoint application system. You'll know that the system has finished loading when you see a message similar to this:

              Welcome to the CommonPoint application system
              Based from v1.0d36
              Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc.
              All rights reserved.
When stopping the system, CommonPoint stops system servers and applications. However, you should quit your applications before running CommonPoint -stop. $TaligentTemp/Taltemp_process_record contains a complete list of the processes that CommonPoint stops.


To start the CommonPoint application system, use one of these statements:

      CommonPoint -start
To stop the system:

    CommonPoint -stop
To list the system's configuration settings:

    CommonPoint -config
To change a configuration setting:

    CommonPoint -config TaligentTokenServerHeapSize 3000000

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