
These snippets illustrate how to perform various printing operations. In the current CommonPoint(TM) release, they use the default printer that is created the first time you launch the CommonPoint application system and use the printing resources.

Running the snippets

To run the snippets, use either the SnippetBrowser or RunSnippet utilities. RunSnippet can be invoked like this:

Files and classes

TPrintingSnippets, defined in PrintingSnippets.h and PrintingSnippets.C, defines snippets that illustrate how to perform various printing operations. It uses classes such as TPrinter, TPrintJobDescription, TPrintChannel, TPaginatedPageFolio, TStandardPageRange, and TStandardPageDescription to perform various printing tasks such as printing a range of pages, n-up printing, and compositing.

TSamplePageNumberCompositor, defined in SamplePageNumberCompositor.h and SamplePageNumberCompositor.C, derives publicly from TPrintPageIterator and privately from TPage, to put a page number on the top of each page. It is used in the PrintPagesWithPageNumber snippet of TPrintingSnippets.


The printing snippets do not display messages as the other snippets do, but simply perform the printing tasks specified. If a printer is defined, these tasks will print to that printer.

It is possible to have the snippets print to postscript files in $TaligentRoot/RuntimeEnv/Data. These files are named PrintFile0, PrintFile1, and so on. If you have displayps enabled, you can view these files with showps by following these steps:

1) Stop the CommonPoint system

2) cd to $TaligentRoot/RuntimeEnv/Data and rm -r Printers

3) unsetenv PRINTER

When you restart the CommonPoint system, the next time the system needs a default printer, it will find that none exists and attempt to create a new one. If the PRINTER environment variable is not set, it creates a default system printer that spools postscript files to $TaligentRoot/RuntimeEnv/Data as described.

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