Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.0.0 RELEASE NOTES FOR THE WEBRUNNER SAMPLE PROGRAM The WebRunner Sample application is part of the set of documented sample programs provided with CommonPoint(TM) version 1.0.0 for AIX(R). These middle-sized programs combine exemplary code and documentation that support learning from example. Read the "WebRunner Sample" chapter of the Taligent Documented Samples book to learn the most from this code. This chapter and the relevant sections of the Developer's Guide to CommonPoint will provide the background to fully understand this sample code. SETTING UP THE PROGRAM In order to run the WebRunner Sample (without building it first), use the TaligentSamples.install script. For instructions, read this file: $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples/README.TaligentSamples The script will install a number of sample binaries and ancilliary files into your system. RUNNING THE PROGRAM To bring up a WebRunner Sample document, first start CommonPoint if it is not already running. cd $TaligentBinaries CommonPoint Then execute the WebRunnerApp program within the $TaligentBinaries directory. cd $TaligentBinaries WebRunnerApp This will view the default web page which is set to the Taligent home page. You could also try viewing other web sites by giving a command-line argument to WebRunnerApp. WebRunnerApp WebRunnerApp BUILDING THE WEBRUNNER SAMPLE You can build the program from source whether or not you have installed the binaries from $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples. To build the WebRunner Sample from scratch: 1. Build the AtomicModel enabler. The enabler and its instructions can be found at this location: $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples/Supported/Enablers/AtomicModel 2. Build the Taligent Selection Tool enabler. The enabler and its instructions can be found at this location: $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples/Supported/Enablers/TaligentSelectionTool 3. Build the WebRunner Sample. The three subprojects of the WebRunner (GIFTranslator, XBMTranslator, GraphicDocument) will also be built automatically. cd $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples/Supported/Apps/WebRunnerSample Makeit INSTALLING THE TRANSLATORS 4. Start CommonPoint cd $TaligentBinaries CommonPoint 5. Install the GIF translator while CommonPoint is running. You only have to install the translator after you compile it. After this, it will persist across restarts. cd $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples/Supported/Apps/WebRunnerSample/GIFTranslator $TaligentBinaries/InstallTranslator GIFTranslator.txt 6. Install the XBM translator while CommonPoint is running. You only have to install the translator after you compile it. After this, it will persist across restarts. cd $TaligentRoot/TaligentSamples/Supported/Apps/WebRunnerSample/XBMTranslator $TaligentBinaries/InstallTranslator XBMTranslator.txt KNOWN DEFECTS IN THE PROGRAM Many features of full-fledged HTML browsers are not handled by this program. The emphasis instead was put on demonstrating CommonPoint features. For this reason, capabilities like forms, imagemaps, and searchable indexes are missing from this program. Cut-and-paste from the WebRunner Sample to a non-text document like Jupiter or ConcurrentActors will fail with an uncaught exception. Drag-and-drop of the WebRunner Sample's document proxy will copy the document into Jupiter without a problem.